Nostalgia for liberalism - in education or in any other sphere - is hardly justified after 1848. If the quality of civil society today differs from that of the past, it is because something key is missing: a justifiable faith in the progressiveness of human labor. What used to ground such a justification? The international movement for proletarian socialism. Without that, there can be no 'reasoned' discourse. Without a faith in the historical experience of humanity, there can be no hope for bettering society. So why bother in an age of de-labored 'work' when no one is willing to say the obvious: only scientific socialism could ever offer us a way out, a way to redeem the promises of capitalism that have choked themselves to death.



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I often make the same point - reading snippets of online comments isn’t “reading”, it’s mostly decoding, but it doesn’t broaden our comprehension capability. Information, and education as a consequence, has become very condensed. It’s astonishing to look at how much knowledge 8th graders were expected to acquire in the 1930’s compared to nowadays.

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